Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
The roses are blooming and it's time to get the plants which have been growing from seed under lights out to the garden and greenhouse. We have baby bok choi, zucchini, 54 tomato plants (Brown Berry, Amish Paste, Wonder Girl and Better Boy). Basil (several kinds), Peppers, New Zealand Spinach. Starting a new herb garden because my other 2 are fill of Pineapple Sage, Peppermint, Spearmint, Oregano, Lemon Balm, Lavender and Rosemary. Wonderful!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Local Food and Local Farms Support your local Farmer's Market!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Block's Stand & Greenhouse

Yesterday, We went off to the Block's Stand & Greenhouse.

Here's my booty:
6 dark red plums
5 pink lady apples
5 gala apples
4 peaches
4 kiwi
1 pineapple
2 grapefruit
4 lemons
2 pounds red, seedless grapes
2 pounds strawberries
12 ounces raspberries
12 ounces blueberries
10 Bartlett pears
6 bananas
5 (7 inch) cucumbers for slicing
5 pounds cucumbers for pickling
24 ears of corn
5 really big sweet potatoes
1 large loose green loose leaf lettuce
1 large romaine lettuce
3 large vidalia onions
3 bunches green onions
1 bunch dill
4 large tomatoes
1 extra large head of cabbage
1-1/2 pounds green beans
1 pound raw peanuts in shell (to share with the squirrels)
2 red bell peppers
3 green bell peppers
10 pounds white potatoes
14 ounce baguette
20 ounce jar of lemon marmalade
1 box large canning lids

Total cost $72.54

Block's Stand & Greenhouse
29160 Eureka Rd
Romulus, MI 48174

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Let me tell you about Kamut

Origin: Kamut is a trademarked name for the grain known as Khorasan. It is an ancient grain which originated in the Fertile Crescent region extending from Mesopotamia to Egypt and is related to the modern duram wheat.
Nutritional Value:
Kamut is higher in protein and some minerals (selenium, zinc, and magnesium) than modern wheat.
Kamut is available as whole grain, flour and berries.

I recently used the whole grain to grow sprouts which were wonderful on sandwiches and in salads.

Kamut sprouts:
In 1 quart mason jar, place 1/2 cup rinsed kamut grain. Add 1-1/2 cup cold water. Cover with cheesecloth attached by jar band or rubberband. Leave at room temp and out of direct sun for 8 hours or overnight.
After 8 hours, set up draining supplies. I use a rectangular plastic storage container and place a small cup inside at one end.
Drain water from jar, then fill jar completely with more water. Swish around and drain. Place jar at an angle resting the lower side of the jar on the cup, so any remaining water will drain out into the larger container. Rinse the grain 3 times a day. Make sure you use plenty of water and swirl the grain around. The individual grains must be rinsed well. After 24 hours, you will see small growths sprouting for the grain!! For kamut, the sprouts should be ready to eat in about 3 days. They will grow until they fill the jar. Rinsing is very important so the sprouts don't stick together and spoil. When the sprouts are fully grown, remove from jar and use as desired. You can cook with them! Save remainder covered in refrigerator. They should stay fresh for about 3 days.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Everyone plant peas!

It's time for pea planting. I don't believe we will get anymore frost, so these need to go in now. The rest of the garden will go in in the next 2 weeks, starting with seeds (squash, cuke, chard) and tomatoes. Finally the herbs can go out.

So, I didn't write everyday but I have been doing fairly well. The biggest problems are my days off when I tend to eat whatever anyone else is eating. During the week, I have been able to get my work meals together with minimal fuss. One of my favorite recipes is for almond/hazelnut milk. It ends up being just as creamy as cow's milk but with great flavor. I prefer it to soy milk and its homemade! So far I have lost 8 pounds. My pj pants fell off me yesterday. This week I am working on working out everyday. Combinations of yoga/pilates/walking/weights and I am going to pull out the bike this weekend.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

I am following a new way of eating. I am calling it Mindful Eating because I have to pay attention to everything. It is mostly Raw Food. I am trying for 75% and the remainder 25% will be whole grains (rice, quinoa, barley, etc). I will write a bit each day to keep track of how I am doing.